Climate Conversations

Are you feeling overwhelmed, helpless or anxious over the climate crisis? Connecting with like-minded people and sharing your thoughts and feelings in a safe space can help you find solace, gain agency and empowerment. We offer interactive workshops based on the Active Hope model, devised by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone. To date, we've run sessions for events, church groups, activists and teens.

Please contact us here to know more

Take action today!

Switch to Ecosia: the tree planting search engine

Change your energy company to a renewable provider

Chose an ethical bank Most banks invest your money in oil, gas and nuclear. You can choose a bank that doesn’t.

Consume-consciously (sustainable-ish)

Consider eco home improvements

System change is needed

Law: Help to make Ecocide a crime

Legislation: Declare your support for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill

Economy: Kate Raworth explains in 15 minutes why our economy should be designed to thrive not grow here

For change to become transformational, our change in mindset must manifest in our actions
— Former United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres

Local council plans

In 2019 Adur & Worthing council declared a Climate emergency

What are their plans now?

Take Climate Action Advice for Residents and Businesses

Adur Council Plans

‘Sustainable AW’ Plan


Climate Assembly

In 2020 there was a Climate Assembly here in Shoreham.

The video here shows Jonathon Porrit’s Introduction.

You can watch all of the presentations here